Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Feature Story 1

It’s been a long time since he’s seen a smile on his younger sister’s face, but when the box containing her brand new wig arrived, she smiled for the first time in a long time. Locks of Love delivered more than just a wig that day.
Principal Tonya King denied junior Jim Stack’s request to grow out his hair for Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for sick children. The school board will vote on this request Monday.

“I can’t bend the rules for just one student. There are other ways Jim could help the Locks of Love group,” King said.
King declined Stack’s request of growing out his hair to avoid problems with other students who want grow their hair out as well.

“Had I approved Jim’s request, then I would have students everyday asking if they could also break the dress code. The school would be in chaos then,” King said.
The school dress code states that a male student’s hair must be no longer than collar length and of natural color. King offered other ways to help the organizations that wouldn’t break school rules.

“I was disappointed when Mrs. King turned my request down. Mrs. King said I should just have a fundraiser instead,” Stack said.
Though the Locks of Love organization is always up for donations, they prefer hair rather than money.

“I’m told a lot of people donate money. Not very many donate hair. Anyone can donate money, but it takes time and dedication to grow out your hair and donate it,” Stack said.
Stack has attempted to come to agreements and make compromises with his principal, however, his request remains ungranted.

“I even agreed to tuck it into my shirt so it won’t be noticeable. After I reach my goal of 10 inches of hair, I hope I can inspire more people in the town to donate their hair,” Stack said.
Stack hopes to inspire people to support and help the Locks of Love organization by donating their hair.

“I hope the board approves my request. Donating my hair is a very special project to me. When we received her wig, she was so happy. I had not seen a smile on her face in a long time,”
Stack was inspired to grow out his hair by the smile on his little sister’s face, and hopes to inspire other people to grow out their hair and put those same smiles on other people’s faces.

“I think it’s cool that Jim wants to do this” student council president Gilbert Castillo said. “Rules were made to be broken, and this is a very good reason to break one.”

News Story 2

Four students who used the Internet to buy research papers got suspended for a week. The school board will meet Tuesday to determine whether the students can return to normal classes.

“It’s unfortunate these students felt they had to cheat to succeed in this class when all they had to do was to put in the time it takes to create a quality research paper and they would have passed,” principal Susan Aleman said.
These students who bought the research papers were suspended for seven days and given the opportunity to re-write their research papers and receive a maximum of 70 as a final grade. They may not make up work for other classes, however they may spend their suspension in the library, re-doing their research papers.

“It is written in the agreement that if they are caught with buying [a research paper] they will be punished…” English department chair Clara Barton said. “All four broke the honor code of the English class by doing this. I think their punishment is equitable for what they did.”
The students read and signed the agreement, however they broke the rules of the honor code. Barton believed that their punishment equaled out with their choice.

“I admit, I was one of the people who bought a research paper. It was one of those things, though, that I had to do,” senior William Jefferson said. “I have to work 30 hours a week to help supplement the family’s income since my dad got laid off two months ago.”
Jefferson and the three other students who bought research papers all went to court and lost the case because of their actions.

“The agreement is like everything else in school. They stick it under our noses, and we sign it without really reading it,” senior Sandy Peoples said.
Every student signed an agreement at the beginning of the year stating the rules that the four students broke. The school board will decide if the students should carry on with their suspension or return to school.

“I guess kids will start reading what they sign from now on,” Peoples said.

News Story 1 Rewrite

Principal Tonya King denied junior Jim Stack’s request to grow out his hair for Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for sick children. The school board will vote on this request Monday.

“Had I approved Jim’s request, then I would have students every day asking if they could also break the dress code,” King said. “The school would be in chaos then.” The school dress code requires that a male student’s hair must be of natural color and no longer than collar length. Stack even agreed to tuck his hair into his shirt so it wouldn’t be noticeable. After King denied Stack’s request, he wrote a letter to the school board requesting permission.

“He could have a fundraiser and donate money to the organization,” King said. “I can’t bend the rules for one student.” Even though King offered a fundraiser, the organization desperately needed human hair more than money, according to Locks of Love president Gisel Roco.

“Donating my hair is a very special project to me,” Stack said. “Anyone can donate money, but it takes time and dedication to grow your hair and donate it.” Stack’s younger sister, Jasmine Stack, received a wig from Locks of Love after she was diagnosed with cancer. When his sister received the wig, Stack decided he wanted to donate his hair.

“I won’t be hurting anyone when my hair gets longer,” Stack said. In support of Stack, the student council wrote a letter to the school board that contained 350 signatures. The letter had 150 signatures of students who also were willing to donate their hair, 78 of these being males.

“I think it’s cool that Jim wants to do this,” student council president Gilbert Castillo said. “Girls have long hair, and no one is distracted. Rules were made to be broken, and this is a very good reason to break one.”

Nutrition During Pregnancy

                                          Nutrition During Pregnancy

    During your pregnancy, what you eat becomes even more important.  It affects your health, how you feel, and the most important thing, your baby.  Babies need enough protein, carbs, and fats to develop their organs correctly.  This is not a time to diet or starve yourself.  To get the baby the nutrients it needs, you must eat a well balanced, nutritious meal.  You should stick to the five food groups- grains, fruits, vegetables, protein foods, and dairy.  Oils and fats give you important nutrients, too, even though they’re not in the food groups.

    When you’re pregnant, the fats you eat provide energy and help build many fetal organs and the placenta.  Most of the fats and oils in your diet should come from plant sources.  You should also Limit the solid fats that you eat, such as those from animal sources.  Solid fats can also be found in processed foods.

    Protein is crucial for a baby’s growth.  Calcium is important for healthy bones for the mother and the baby (along with vitamin D.) it  helps your circulatory, muscular and nervous systems run normally.  folate acid is a B vitamin that is necessary to prevent serious abnormalities of the brain and spinal cord, and decreases the risk of preterm labor.  iron helps build and renew hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying compound in blood.

    While you are pregnant, avoid eating soft cheeses from unpasteurized milk because it could contain E coli, You should also not eat raw cookie dough or cake batter because it could contain salmonella. One more thing you should not eat is raw fish (sushi), it could contain parasites or bacteria.

Health Nutrition Project


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List all Nutrients in Broccoli

List 10 sources of Fiber

List 10 sources of protein

List 10 sources of fat

List sources of B12 not in text


Nutrients in Raw Broccoli (1 cup):


•Calories 30

•Calories from fat 3

•Total fat 0.3g

•Sodium 29g

•Potassium 278.51mg

•Carbohydrates 5.8g

•Dietary Fiber 2.3g

•Sugar 1.5g

•Protein 2.5g



Vitamin A 11%

Vitamin C 131%

Calcium 4%Iron 4%


Top 10 sources of Fiber:


1.) Apples- 3.3 grams

2.) Rye Bread- 5.6 grams for 2 slices

3.) Broccoli, frozen, cooked- 5.5 grams per cup

4.) Pecan Nuts- 5.4 grams per 2 ounces (40 halves)

5.) Prunes- 7.7 grams per cup

6.) Split peas, cooked- 16.3 grams per cup

7.) Shredded Wheat Cereal- 5.7 grams per cup

8.) Half Cup Bean with Ham- 19 grams

9.) Navy Beans-  19 grams per cup

10.) Wheat Bread- 5.2 grams for 2 slices



Sources of B12

  • fish

  • beef

  • eggs

  • poultry

  • milk

  • liver

  • cheese

  • ham

  • clams

  • turkey



10 sources of Protein

1. Fresh tuna

2. Lentils and rice

3.Nonfat milk

4. Clams

5. Lean beef, top round

6. Skinless chicken breast

7. Pinto beans and corn tortillas

8. Halibut

9. Egg whites

10. Tofu and baked potato



10 Sources of Fat:


Good Fats:

– fish

– nuts

– oils and veggie spreads

– seeds

– avocados



Bad Fats:

– Red meat

– Ice cream

– Butter

– Whole fat milk

– Cheese

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