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List all Nutrients in Broccoli

List 10 sources of Fiber

List 10 sources of protein

List 10 sources of fat

List sources of B12 not in text


Nutrients in Raw Broccoli (1 cup):


•Calories 30

•Calories from fat 3

•Total fat 0.3g

•Sodium 29g

•Potassium 278.51mg

•Carbohydrates 5.8g

•Dietary Fiber 2.3g

•Sugar 1.5g

•Protein 2.5g



Vitamin A 11%

Vitamin C 131%

Calcium 4%Iron 4%


Top 10 sources of Fiber:


1.) Apples- 3.3 grams

2.) Rye Bread- 5.6 grams for 2 slices

3.) Broccoli, frozen, cooked- 5.5 grams per cup

4.) Pecan Nuts- 5.4 grams per 2 ounces (40 halves)

5.) Prunes- 7.7 grams per cup

6.) Split peas, cooked- 16.3 grams per cup

7.) Shredded Wheat Cereal- 5.7 grams per cup

8.) Half Cup Bean with Ham- 19 grams

9.) Navy Beans-  19 grams per cup

10.) Wheat Bread- 5.2 grams for 2 slices



Sources of B12

  • fish

  • beef

  • eggs

  • poultry

  • milk

  • liver

  • cheese

  • ham

  • clams

  • turkey



10 sources of Protein

1. Fresh tuna

2. Lentils and rice

3.Nonfat milk

4. Clams

5. Lean beef, top round

6. Skinless chicken breast

7. Pinto beans and corn tortillas

8. Halibut

9. Egg whites

10. Tofu and baked potato



10 Sources of Fat:


Good Fats:

– fish

– nuts

– oils and veggie spreads

– seeds

– avocados



Bad Fats:

– Red meat

– Ice cream

– Butter

– Whole fat milk

– Cheese

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